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Feb. 2003 Prunes with cheescake 02.28.03 Shan't! 02.07.03 I've known Ume for ages and yet, she can say things from time to time that stun me. For instance, we were prepping for our nightly dose of beauty sleep - getting off the clothes, turning down the blankets, talking over the events of the day, that kind of thing - and she turns to me cool as a cucumber and says, "Your towel smells like another woman." I stare at her, then burst out laughing. It wasn't so much an accusation, as a statement of fact. She totally cracks me up. Like I'd let some chick use my bath towel? Gross. I told Ume that I had all the chicks use her bath towel. "You'd better not," she says and I know she means it, because Ume has a thing about germs (she only barely puts up with mine). Then we're out with friends and someone asks me to hold their ice cream while they wander off (why people persist in eating ice cream in the dead of winter is beyond me, but they do). I didn't know what flavor it was, I was curious - Ume turns around, takes a look at me and says, "Don't sniff her ice cream." I need these pleasant distractions, because the news has been so awful. We've got a hideously arrogant administration intent on stripping us of our rights and privacy and forcing us into a corporate police state (while they try to dominate the globe with their abysmally short sighted foreign policy). Tragedies on the local scene as well... In the face of such untenable miseries, I count on Ume to keep me sane. I enjoyed this conversation about the U.S. Constitution (not the ship, the slip of paper) on Talk of the Nation - most excellent (real audio 02.27.03): click here and scroll down to "The U.S. Constitution" Ume likes living with someone who, when asked how they plan to spend their evening, replies, "I don't know, maybe I'll photograph my Giant French Prunes." And so I did...
"Lord of the Rings", the latest movie - my thoughts: not enough women and hey, Aragon, it's called shampoo... "Brulee," says I. "How shall I amuse them today?" "Well," says I again. "How do you amuse them generally?" "Who's to say that I amuse them at all?" "Who's 'them'?" "The 'them' of whom you spoke earlier." "I was speaking rhetorically." "Why?" "Because it amuses me." "That and shiney objects, I expect." "Fine, be that way, see if I care." "Don't be so sensitive, do your amusing schtick so we can all go home." Shant!" says I. "You've killed the mood - let Truman do it instead." "Malcolm," Truman was saying, "what exactly do academic people mean by a sense of evil? Newton says Hawthorne had it and Melville had it, and he thinks I do. Does it mean believing, really believing, in something like the devil? Or does it just mean that you can see that there's something terribly wrong with God and the universe and say so? Do you think I have a sense of evil?" You know, I don't think I've said nearly enough nice things about Ellen Galford's book, The Dyke and the Dybbuk. It's a favorite of mine. It's also one of Ume's favorites. We're both big fans. "Why?" You ask. And well you should (don't just accept information passively, it's bad for your little gray cells). It's a hilarious romp, that's why. It's also an excellent story and bloody well written. And hey, for anyone whose ever gone down that fruitless and unrewarding road (with a straight girl), this may explain some things... Gal extraordinaire Rainbow Rosenbloom finds herself the unwitting subject of the legendary dybbuk (kinda like a demon) Kokos. Kokos had been indisposed for a couple of hundred years thanks to a smarty pants wonder rabbi who trapped her in a tree. One of Kokos' coworkers back at home base manages to spring Kokos and that frees her up to finish her last contract (the one she was so rudely interrupted from by the rabbi) - enter Rainbow. Rainbow is a London cab driver, film reviewer and dyke about town. Kokos finds that possessing this specimen isn't quite what she'd been expecting... It's such fun this book. Don't pass it up if you get the chance to read it! This is my Valentine's Day pick. Enjoy! |
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