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I rarely listen to a song's lyrics. Sad, but true. I was too often disappointed or pissed off by them, so it's, like, an adaptive survival thingy. It also explains the number of CDs I have in languages I don't speak or comprehend. Anyway, I found this song charming and inoffensive enough to post the lyrics, but they don't do what the song does if you get a chance to give it an ear.


by Dean Martin

When the rumba rhythm start to play

Dance with me, make me sway.

Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore

Hold me close, sway me more.

Like a flower bending in the breeze

Bend with me, sway with ease.

When we dance you have a way with me

Stay with me, sway with me.

Other dancers may be on the floor

Dear but my eyes will see only you.

Only you have the magic technique

When we sway I grow weak.

I can hear the sound of violins

Long before it begins.

Make me thrill as only you know how

Sway me smooth, sway me now.

Other dancers maybe on the floor

Dear, but my eyes will see only you

Only you have the magic technique

When we sway I grow weak.

I can hear the songs of violins

Long before it begins.

Make me thrill as only you know how

Sway me smooth, sway me now

You know how,

Sway me smooth, sway me now.

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